Friday, March 27, 2020

What to Expect From a Vocal High School Yearbook Writer

What to Expect From a Vocal High School Yearbook WriterGetting a counselor to comment on your High School yearbook can be tough. Many people are hesitant to have a professional comment on their work, even if they feel that their idea is worth telling. Here are some things to keep in mind if you're looking for a volunteer for your yearbook.Most of the time, the administrators for your school will offer to help you get a comment section for your High School yearbook. Many have the concept of someone writing something about a topic they would not normally comment on. If this is something you are interested in, try to go with something you think the administrators might be willing to do. Also, make sure the person they select for this task has a lot of experience with the subject you're writing about.When you are selecting people to comment on your yearbook, it's best to find someone who has done a lot of work in the subject you are writing about. They should be able to clearly convey wh at your ideas are and why you feel your ideas are important. You should also look for someone who has an opinion that is well-developed and well-thought out. This person should also be someone you feel comfortable with.For years, students have looked to yearbooks as a way to reveal themselves. They want to leave a real story behind them. To get this process started, you should think about getting a representative to comment on your yearbook.After getting your yearbook completed, you will likely sit down with a couple of other students and ask if they know anyone who could be able to help you write a paragraph or two about one of the topics on your yearbook. Then, if the administrator says yes, you may need to make other arrangements with them.When you decide to use a writer for your yearbook, it's a good idea to choose a writer that you feel is someone you can really work with. If you choose a writer that is hard to work with, it could result in less time spent on your essay and mor e time spent trying to figure out how to edit your essay.There are many reasons why you would want to get a tutor to comment on your yearbook. It can be a good way to give your student something extra to think about. This can make their yearbook a much better reflection of who they are as a person.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Engaging Your Child in the Learning Process

Engaging Your Child in the Learning Process If youve ever tried to motivate your child to study or do homework, you probably know that its much easier to be successful when you get your childs input and buy-in. Research shows that students who are more engaged in the learning process, after all, are more attentive and focused, and generally more motivated to learn increasingly challenging topics. Although your childs teacher plays a big role, there are many ways you can encourage your child to become more connected and interested in what he or she learns. Here are several tips on how to do just that: Frequently start conversations about school topics. You can strengthen your childs critical thinking, communication, and other related skills by asking thoughtful questions about school, your childs opinion on an issue, the books your child reads and more. Skip the yes/no questions and instead focus on those that encourage inquisition and thinking from different perspectives. Asking about the why and not just the how will strengthen your childs ability to formulate ideas and foster the active learning process. It will also send the message that learning for the sake of learning is worthwhile. Talk about alternatives. Teachers usually encourage students to learn multiple methods to solving problems or answering questions and give them the freedom to choose the one they understand and like the best. You can reinforce your childs understanding of a subject by talking through alternate viewpoints or ways of solving a problem. If your child is working on a multiplication problem, for example, ask about other ways to get to the same answer and why your child chose a certain approach. Explaining different strategies to you will strengthen your childs understanding and build his or her confidenceactivities that lead to enhanced engagement. Take a supporting role. One of the simplest ways to increase your childs level of engagement is to put him or her in the drivers seatalways. Set ground rules at home that make it clear that you are available for guidance, not answers, and that school is your childs job. That means attempting things before asking for help and being resourceful about finding answers to questions. Your child is responsible for school work and all associated duties. Make sure you send that message with your actions as well as your words. Emphasize learning, not grades. Grades are important, but more important is the effort that your child puts into school. Take note of your childs persistence and hard work more than achievements such as gradesand remind your child that learning isnt always easy. Also, instill in your child the belief that the ultimate goal of school and homework is to acquire knowledge. Children sometimes find school to be difficult, frustrating or even boring, but there are many ways to encourage them to take ownership of school. Embrace these strategies for strengthening your childs academic engagement, and good things will happen. In the end, youll help your child take an active role as a learnera trait that will serve him or her well in college and long after.

Digital Devices, Family Guidelines and Parental Controls

Digital Devices, Family Guidelines and Parental Controls In recent weeks, the Internet has been buzzing with talk about the impact of smartphone use on child and adolescent mental health following the publication of an open letter to Apple from investors asking the company to, develop new software tools that would help parents control and limit phone use more easily and to study the impact of overuse on mental health. As a mental health professional, I am acutely aware of the need for a better understanding of how sticky digital devices and apps (smartphones, social media, games, etc.) affect our children. Improved parental controls on phones and other digital devices are sorely needed, especially for parents of kids who struggle with attention challenges and impulsivity. While we will need to wait for research to be conducted and new parental controls to be released, there are things that parents of kids with ADHD can do now to gain more control over digital device use in their home. Create Technology House Rules. In general, kids (and especially kids with ADHD) are not capable of setting their own reasonable limits around screen time. Just like you wouldnt let your child be fully in charge of deciding how often and how much cake, candy, and cookies he or she can eat, you cannot expect your child to make healthy decisions about how often and how much he or she uses digital devices without parental guidance and limit setting. The best place to start with limit setting is by creating house rules that are discussed and posted at home. This lets everyone know what the rules are in advance, so it doesnt come as a surprise when they are enforced. Deciding on what the rules should outline can be challenging, so set aside some time to really think this through. Consider: (1) how often can your child use devices, (2) how long can your child use devices at any given time, (3) what is your child allowed to do with the device, (4) how will you monitor his or her activity, and (5) what will happen if he or she violates a technology rule? While there arent any hard and fast rules around how much screen time kids should be getting in a day, I generally recommend that parents keep it to no more than 30 minutes - excluding homework-related activities or FaceTime with family members. So, thats 30 minutes to spend watching YouTube videos or playing games each day. Most parents make exceptions for snow days, sick days, or the occasional Saturday or Sunday, but otherwise, its important to be consistent. If 30 minutes seems like far too little time, resist the urge to simply bump it up to 1 hour or more. First, consider alternative activities for your child, whether these are scheduled activities, or things they can do at home. Is there a way to shift the focus of his or her time from devices to non-screen activities? Most of the time, making the shift isnt hard if the activities are things that your child really enjoys. Once youve outlined your technology rules, have a family meeting. Talk about some of the challenges your family has been having with screen time (arguments, less quality time, lack of interest or time for other activities, etc.). Let your kids know that scientists are learning that too much time spent using phones, tablets, and videogames can make kids and adults unhealthy, just like eating too many sweets can take a toll on your health over time. Give your kids an opportunity to talk about some of the things theyve noticed are a problem with digital device use at home. Dont be surprised if they call out your own smartphone use as a problem! Be willing to make some compromises with your own device use, to be a good role model for your kids. In fact, Id recommend reading this recent Washington Post article on this very topic before your family meeting so youre fully prepared for the conversation. Create a Digital Use Contract. It may seem like an unnecessary or formal step, but research shows that when kids (and adults) sign off on something, they are more likely to stick to their commitments. Contracts should include specific guidelines for each child and age group, each device (phones, computers, tablets, etc.), each platform/technology (example: social media, web browsing, etc.) and each situation (example: dinner time, bed time, friends over, etc.). Common Sense Media has some excellent sample contracts on their website. Good contracts also require discussion, compromise and negotiations. Give your child the space to share his or her point of view, and if he or she has reasonable requests, then you should honor them. If your child has some say in the rules, he or she will be even more likely to hold up his or her end of the bargain. Use Parental Controls. Setting restrictions on the devices to protect your child from inappropriate content or off-limit apps and websites is important. While the parental controls that are currently available arent perfect, they do include basic functions that control at least some of what your child does on his or her device. Smartphones and tablets all include built-in features that allow you to lock everything from the Internet browser, FaceTime or Skype, iTunes, app purchases, app access, etc. There are also third-party apps available with some advanced features. Videogame consoles also include parental control functions that allow you to block games by age range or rating and disable in-game purchases. Some videogame consoles even allow you to limit the amount of time your child spends playing in a day once that daily limit has been reached, the console turns off automatically! Managing a childs digital device use is one of the biggest challenges faced by many parents of kids with ADHD (often its second only to dealing with homework time!). Your guidelines, strategies, and rules will need to evolve and adapt as your child grows and technology changes. Fortunately, there are great resources available online that can help you make smart decisions, and set the technology limits that your child needs. Additional Online Resources: Family Online Safety Institute Common Sense Media The Social Institute ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

D.C. in Crisis Answering Americas Questions

D.C. in Crisis Answering America's Questions source: I was not pleased when I found this robot tree in the Sculpture Garden of the National Gallery of Art.  Roxy Paine’s sculpture supposedly represents the conjoined nature of order and chaos and the hope of a new year.  However I see this “art” for what it truly is, government mandated robotification of nature and wildlife.  What are their goals? Will the robot trees be used as weapons to enforce tyranny upon the citizens of the U.S.?  Will they be used to watch us? So many questions while so few are the answers. Pictured here is the Washington Monument in its current state of repair.  The Obama administration I am sure is tired of the old stone appearance and will most like plate the monument in chrome, much akin to the metal tree, and use it as a giant robot weapon that will terrorize people up and down the streets like Godzilla enforcing his robo-oppression. The sun sets on the monument, as it does on our great nation.  My fears were all too real. The things that I saw in D.C. left me dumbstruck with fear and doubt.  Some may see the grand ornate architecture of national buildings and wonder at the unwavering principle and respect they represent, but others see the truth.  How could our government commit such unthinkable horrors and house such abominable secrets?  It seems as the though Americas concern about the competency of our leadership is more real a fear than ever.  The only thing that brings me peace in this time of hopelessness is that these old buildings from Americas origins are still standing in a salute to Americas infallible spirit.  A spirit which President Overlord RobO-bama may try to extinguish, or should I say exterminate, in the near future.

5 Reasons to Hire a Los Angeles Tutor this Summer

5 Reasons to Hire a Los Angeles Tutor this Summer 5 Reasons to Hire a Private Los Angeles Tutor this Summer Summer is already in full swing and kids are enjoying a lot of time outdoors in the sunshine playing with family and friends. The four walls of the classroom are the farthest thing from their minds but, doing academics over the summer can be very helpful for some young students. Some students were falling behind during the school year while others may have lofty goals when it comes to applying to college. Whether students need to catch up or get ahead, working with a tutor over the summer can provide some benefits that make life easier now and in the future our private Los Angeles summer tutors are here to help you catch up and stay ahead over break. 1.   Work at your own pace One of the great things about working with a private tutor, during the summer or anytime, is that it allows students to work at their own pace without feeling rushed or having to wait for other kids in the class to catch up. Although summer school can be helpful, students will have to follow the pace set by the course provider that helps the majority of students who fall somewhere in the middle. On the other hand, some students just need help with one important aspect of learning, or they might need extensive help in every subject. When working with a private tutor, students can play a more active role in their supplemental education and talk about what learning strategies have worked for them in the past. 2. Focus on one subject Working with a private tutor also allows the students to work on just the one subject they need to improve. For instance, maybe they were struggling with algebra during the school year but excelled in both English and science. When working with a one-on-one tutor, students can study algebra until they feel 100% confident that they will be ready for the school year this fall and spend the rest of their summer enjoying the outdoors (READ: Five Educational Activities For Your Kid this Summer). 3. Study in the comfort of your own home Each student is different; some excel in a classroom environment while others prefer to tackle academic challenges in the comfort of their own home. Students who are a little bit shy and have trouble asking for help in the classroom can learn efficiently with the help of a one-on-one tutor. Additionally, students who are working on stressful subjects like SAT prep or college applications may feel a lot more relaxed in the peace of their home environment. Most private tutors will drive to the student’s home to make it easy and convenient for both the learner and their parents. 4. Tackle test prep Its a challenge for students to squeeze in their test prep in addition to every other subject theyre required to learn during the school year. Summer provides an excellent opportunity for students to get this difficult yet necessary task out of the way so they can achieve their best score when they take their SAT or ACT in the fall. Doing test prep over the summer with a private tutor also makes it easier for students to focus on their regular classroom subjects during the year because test prep won’t be taking up their free time. 5. Make up for lost time Students who missed out for one reason or another during the school year will benefit from having a private tutor to help with academics over the summer. Some children lose a few days of school to illness or may have fallen behind because they didnt understand the building blocks of a particular subject or topic. Being a little bit behind can become more and more of a problem as students get older so utilizing the summer to catch up is one of the best opportunities to stay at grade level and be successful in the long run. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

ELS Language Centre, Malaysia

ELS Language Centre, Malaysia ELS Language Centre, Malaysia About ELS Malaysia ELS Malaysia was established in 1990 and is a franchise of the US-based ELS Language Centres. We specialise in teaching Academic English, test prep programmes such as TOEFL and IELTS and work place English. Since 1990, ELS Language Centres Malaysia, has built a reputation as being one of the best English language training providers with a network of instruction centres in Subang Jaya, Johor Bahru and ELS@UPM. In addition to top class teaching and learning facilities, we are dedicated to providing excellent student services. The ELS Intensive English Programme Certificate (CIEP) is recognised by many top Malaysian higher learning institutions. We teach English to more than 3,000 students a year. Among the awards ELS Malaysia has received include: Brand of the year award (2014-2015National Award) 5-Star Quality Standards Award (2015 MOE) Education Excellence Award (2015 NAPEI) Malaysia Language centre of the Year (2016 Frost Sullivan) View our Brochure

Argo Tea A New College Favorite

Argo Tea A New College Favorite image via As college students, we know that eating healthy is the way to go. But with so many things to cram into our day with such little time, it is sometimes hard to go for healthy options because we are just shooting for something convenient that will make our stomach stop making dying whale noises. You shouldn’t have to give up healthy choices for convenience and this is where Argo Tea steps in. According to this press release, Argo Tea realizes that college students are in demand of healthy food and beverage options, and is there to make it happen. “We provide students with great-tasting options that will fuel their bodies and minds with ingredients that will keep them healthy and happy,” said  Arsen Avakian, Founder and CEO of Argo Tea. When it comes to healthy options, the dining halls just aren’t cutting it for students. According to Natasha Emerson, a first year environmental studies student at UC Santa Cruz, “the dining halls really need healthier options because they always just have burgers and hotdogs and many other greasy food items.” This is why there is no question as to why so many students gain the freshman 15. If there is nothing else around, students have to settle for what the dining hall has to offer. Sometimes students would rather skip a meal than consume the unhealthy food they are offered, which is never good for you health wise. Emerson also mentioned that “some people are vegetarians and therefore don’t have a wide selection.” I’m a vegetarian, and I definitely agree that there are limited options to what we can eat. image via At Argo Tea, they not only have wonderful drinks, but also offer a “wide selection of raw, vegan, and gluten-free foods that are baked and prepared in-store daily.” Now that sounds like a health conscious café! Rebecca Wood, a fourth year environmental studies major at UC Santa Cruz, mentioned she would like to see dining halls pulling more food from local places. “I know that the dining hall gets a small amount of their produce from local places and therefore have some organic choices, but I would like to see our campus supporting our local food system and getting more food from the farmers in the area,” Wood said. Organic is all the rage and this is yet another plus of Argo Tea. They use all-natural, real ingredients in all of their products. Addressing Wood’s second point about local farmers, Argo Tea works with “the best local and global tea, coffee, and food artisans.” Killing two birds with one stone, Argo Tea is sounding better and better (tea break anyone?) Now, I don’t have an Argo Tea close by, so I decided to check Yelp for some customer reviews. So many consumers are raving about it and are dubbing it the Starbucks for tea drinkers. Taking a look at their menu, this is definitely a perfect description (their  food  options were making my mouth water and the  drinks  look to die for). image via Have a sweet tooth? Their pastries will satisfy it without a bunch of heavy calories. As Avakian mentioned, “at Argo Tea, we deliver all-natural, real ingredients and smart calories.” That means yummy, guilt-free goodies for you to indulge in! Tea is widely regarded as healthy, but specific teas can  boost antioxidants and fight cancer-causing free radicals  â€"  and Argo makes it taste amazing, said Jill Lawrence, Director of Cafe Marketing for Argo Tea. There is no doubt then why Argo Tea is becoming so popular among college students. When buying from Argo Tea, students can have the healthy life style they desire all with time to spareno sacrifices necessary. For you coffee lovers, don’t think that Argo Tea left you out. Along with their tea collection, Argo Tea also features delicious organic coffee, that they say even makes their tea jealous! Whatever you’re craving, Argo Tea will be able to satisfy it. Argo Tea is located on ten college campus areas and is scheduled to open on more very soon. This is definitely something that all students should be excited about (I vote for one to open in Santa Cruz!). Argo Tea also features their most popular drinks in ready-to-drink bottles at more than 10,000 retailers, so you’ll be able to get your hands on the tea in no time. image via Argo Tea focuses on: CommuniTEA, DiversiTEA, SustainabiliTEA, ChariTEA, QualiTEA, and CreativiTEA (how cute is that?). So when you go to Argo Tea, not only are you fueling yourself with quality, you have the peace of mind knowing that they care about the world around them and the people in it. Were all about one cup and one customer at a time and this is how weve become the  largest tea café chain in the world â€" serving 10 million cups of tea annually, Lawrence said. So if you have an Argo Tea close by, now you know that you HAVE to go try it! They let you sample their drinks before you buy, so you’ll know that whatever you choose is going to be delish. Whether you’re on the go and need a quick meal fix, or want a place to hang out with some friends, Argo Tea will provide you will quality products that will keep you coming back for more. Healthy is the future, and healthy starts with Argo Tea.